What is health? The Ottawa Charter defines health as “a good life, a resource for everyday living.” Throughout the charter, the term “health” is used as a metaphor to emphasize the connection between health and participation in society. A healthy person is in a good physical condition, mentally alert, and able to take part in society. But health can also mean more than just a healthy body. It can also be a state of mind, a sense of well-being, or a sense of well-being.
The WHO defines health as “complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” By 1950, life expectancy was about fifty-two years for men and sixty-five for women. Moreover, diseases like polio and diphtheria were rampant. This low life expectancy was largely attributed to infant mortality and the impact of infectious diseases like cholera and tuberculosis. Today, the global picture of health is quite different. Heart disease, stroke, and cancer are the leading causes of death, whereas today’s average is 68.
While there are a number of measures used to describe health, some common ones are listed in Table 1. These indicators are included in the report How Healthy Are Australians? and are used to compare population groups and identify trends. Health is affected by several different factors, including socioeconomic status, genetic makeup, and lifestyle. People with higher socioeconomic status have higher life expectancies, whereas people in poorer communities experience fewer social issues that may affect their health. Latest website: newspaperworlds