The time leading up to the end of your period is fraught with uncertainty and a wide range of uncomfortable physical sensations. Hormone replacement treatment may be at the top of your list of alternatives for alleviating menopausal symptoms. Read on to learn the truth about hormone replacement therapy Plano and dispel some of the most popular fallacies.
1. HRT raises your chances of developing heart disease.
Seventy percent of the women who participated in the 2002 research were menopausal and older than 60. They all used the same kind of HRT, a synthetic estrogen and progestin blend marketed under the brand name Prempro. Therefore, the WHO’s findings that HRT use was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and breast cancer only pertained to women aged 65 and over using Prempro. In reality, the WHI found in 2011 and 2012 that, compared to women who took a placebo, those who received just estrogen (conjugated equine estrogen-Premarin) and no synthetic progestin lived longer and were less likely to develop breast cancer and heart disease during ten years.
2. Hormone replacement promotes cancer
Perhaps the most widespread misconception is that HRT directly causes cancer. This false belief originates from outdated and inaccurate scientific research. HRT does not cause cancer. However, taking more hormones than your body needs might increase your chance of developing certain malignancies.
3. It is not safe to use hormone replacement treatment
Contrary to popular belief, this sector is as strictly controlled as the pharmaceutical business that provides synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Bioidentical hormone replacement treatment is a safer alternative to synthetic hormones, which works better with a person’s biological structure.
4. HRT comes in a single variety
There are now over fifty different HRT options for women. Estradiol and progesterone are included in modern HRT formulations. These are the same hormones that are naturally produced by women’s bodies. Additionally, transdermal or vaginal estrogen mixed with low-dose oral estrogen may help women with genital and urinary symptoms.
5. Blood clots are a common side effect of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Because early HRT treatments were not tailored, a belief evolved that it caused blood clots. Because modern HRT is tailored to each patient’s unique hormone levels and functioning, it no longer poses the danger of blood clots in most cases. In reality, because of HRT’s ability to restore estrogen balance, postmenopausal women may live healthier lives and reduce their chance of developing coronary artery disease. Synthetic hormones, not BHRT, cause blood clots.
6. After menopause, HRT has no positive effects
Hormonal imbalance may persist even after menopause’s dramatic changes have taken place. HRT can alleviate postmenopausal symptoms in women. Hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms often diminish years after the transition.
Every woman needs to consider the risks and advantages of HRT, regardless of age or health, and reach a consensus with their doctor. By changing their habits, some women may be able to avoid using HRT completely. However, menopause is a transition; for most women, the symptoms will diminish and disappear with time. Consult with The Riegel Center to learn more about hormone replacement therapy.